Big Dog Befriends Tiny Kitten And The Internet Is In Love

By: Clarisse Jelle
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| July 9, 2024

Everyone loves stories about dogs and cats becoming friends. All around the world, these pets often form close bonds, whether they live in a home, roam the streets, or wait to be adopted. They become best friends with us and sometimes with each other.

Usually, dogs act as loyal protectors, and cats enjoy their affection. But sometimes, things are a bit different.

Take this funny pair, for example.

In Gloucester, England, a kitten has just moved into a new home. While family members might be eager to play with the little kitten, they have competition. This is because a loving dog wants nothing more than to be the kitten’s best friend.

Like most cats, the kitten is independent and goes about its day, doing typical cat things like cleaning itself. But this kitten barely starts before the eager dog shoves his nose under it, knocking it over.

Once the kitten regains its balance, the dog continues to look at it with big, sad eyes, hoping for some attention. These tricks usually work on people, but not so much on cats.

Yet, the dog doesn’t give up.

He keeps nudging the kitten, who eventually turns around as if to say, “What’s your problem?” The kitten even takes a playful swipe at the dog’s nose, or maybe it’s starting to get annoyed.

The dog isn’t the only thing making it hard for the kitten to do what it wants. Sometimes, the kitten’s own clumsiness gets in the way. At one point, while trying to lick itself, it rolls off the edge of the carpet and loses its balance. Just like with babies, these clumsy moments make kittens even more adorable.

After more nudging from the dog, the kitten seems to look for help.

Both the kitten and the dog look up at their human. The kitten appears to be asking for help to escape the clingy dog, while the dog tries its puppy-eyed look on someone more likely to give in.

Whether this is their first meeting or not isn’t clear, but one thing is for sure: the dog won’t stop trying until they become good friends. And it looks like, eventually, they will.

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