Adventure Cat Floki Completes Hike To Top Of New Hampshire’s Highest Peak, Plus 47 More

By: Kelli Brinegar
For more than five years, Kelli Brinegar has been using her ability to write and her passion for research to tell the tale of what cats are thinking and why. She has provided care to more than 30 cats in her lifetime.Read more
| July 7, 2021

Floki the cat isn’t one who likes to sit at home and watch the world go by out her window. Instead, she wants to be out in it, experiencing the thrill of climbing New Hampshire’s Mountain peaks. And this bold cat has the best partner for trekking summits, her mom, Mel Elam.

Hailing from North Conway, New Hampshire, the pair lives in an ideal spot for finding adventure on mountain trails as the state boasts 48 mountains with elevations of more than 4,000 feet. From Mount Garfield to Wildcat Mountain, Floki and Mel have been up down the high peaks found in White Mountain National Forest, enjoying the sights and checking peaks off the list to complete their goal of making it to the top of all forty-eight. And just recently, the pair conquered their goal, scaling the highest of the summits, 6,288-foot Mount Washington, as their last on the list.

Feline Sherpa

To be a young cat! Floki has accomplished a feat few, if any other, felines can boast with her list of summits climbed. And even more impressive is the fact she and her mom covered the 48 in just 9 months! It seems Floki was a cat born for altitude, falling easily into step with Mel’s love of the outdoors.

The pair came together in 2020 when Mel adopted Floki from a shelter as a kitten after losing her dog, a buddy who also enjoyed the hiking life. And ever since then, Floki has been on the trail with Mel, enjoying hikes from her hiking backpack or sniffing out the way at her mom’s side. But don’t worry, as a diligent cat parent, Mel keeps Floki safe with a harness and leash. Plus, when temps get chilly, she keeps the kitty baby warm in a snuggly vest. It’s safe to say the life of an adventure cat is a good one!

Want your cat to journey with you? Check out So You Want An Adventure Cat: Here Are 5 Tips To Get Started!

Adventure Cat

To chronicle Floki’s adventures, Mel started Facebook page Adventures with Floki and to her delighted surprise, her adventure cat has garnered quite the following. And with Mel and Floki finishing up the 48 4,000 footers, those fans are worried there won’t be any more adventures to follow.

In an interview with local news, Mel said, “There’s a lot of people that are like, ‘Oh, my gosh. Please tell me that is not it. What are you going to do next? Pease keep posting. We love following your adventures.’ And I’m like, ‘Oh no, we’re still going to be out there.'”

At the moment, Floki and Mel are training for “Seek the Peak”, an annual fundraiser for the Mount Washington Observatory. They’re also starting out on a new checklist of New Hampshire summits. The pair seeks to visit the “52 With a View,” the state’s 52 summits with elevations less than 4,000 feet.

Sounds like there will be plenty of hiking to come, so follow Adventures of Floki on Facebook and catch the pair climbing the heights of fun!

Want more Adventure Cats? Explore The Great Outdoors With Gary The Cat!

Feature Image: Adventures of Floki/Facebook