Have you ever wondered if your cat loves you? Cats express love for their owners in a number of ways. While some of these may be a bit obvious, other tokens of their affection have some hidden meaning behind them and you may have overlooked them not even realizing.
Here’s a list of 9 signs you are truly loved by your cat:

1. Your cat brings you their “presents”
Not for the faint of heart, when your cat brings you their kill it is actually meant as a present… even though it’s a present you won’t want to touch with your bare hands. Cats are natural hunters, so when they bring you these gifts they are trying to show you what they can “offer” you. Think of it as a love token, even if the sight of a dead bird/rodent makes you squeal.

2. Your kitty will flash you their tummy
Like most animals, cats do not show their stomachs to just anyone. If your cat rolls over on its back to give you a flash of that fuzzy belly, this is an indication that they feel comfortable around you. And not only this, but they feel loved and protected by you, rendering themselves defenseless while on their backs. Cats are prideful animals, so if they do this for you they have no concerns letting their guard down when in your presence.

3. Your cat has a thing for head butting you
Although you would never think of this as a friendly gesture with a human, to receive a head butt (head bunt) from a cat is a pretty big deal. When your cat shares this special privilege with you, they are actually depositing facial pheromones on to you. These serve to represent their feelings, and their “possession” towards you, as if they are leaving traces of their scent to claim you with.

4. Love bites… but hopefully not too hard!
When your cat nibbles on you playfully, this is one of their ways of showing their affections towards you. It’s much different than a bite that could cause bodily harm, and tickles more than anything.

5. Following/Lingering around wherever you are
Cats often linger around their owners when they are fond of them, so if that furry feline is rubbing around your legs—or even accidentally tripping you as you walk—know that they are only doing this because they want to be close to you. Even though your cat may pretend to be aloof when you are around, he’s bluffing if he always seems to be nearby.

6. Kneading (and needing) their master
If your cat kneads you like pizza dough, this is really their way of showing you the love they developed as babies when nursing from their mothers. Usually when your cat stays by your side while catching some Z’s, they are known to drift themselves into a heavenly state while kneading away at parts of your body.

7. Twitching the tips of their tail
A cat’s tail is like a mood sensor, with each movement depicting their feelings. If your cat holds their tail up casually, flipping the tip when they’re around you, they think you’re the “cat’s meow”.

8. The power of the purr
Everyone knows that a cat purrs when it’s happy. If kitty happens to purr loudly every time you pay them some attention, this is a very good sign they’ve developed special feelings for you.

9. Eye contact with a kitty kiss—if you’re lucky
Cats only tend to make eye contact with those they know well and have developed trust for – so if you catch your kitty giving you the eye, don’t be worried. When your kitty locks eyes with you, casting a slow blink once eyes are met, this is their version of a kiss. Be a sweetie and give them a slow blink in return.