If you aren’t using Instagram already, you need to start right now. These cats are so cool they have more followers than most people and it’s no wonder why! Be sure to check them out and add them to your list to look at daily.
#1 – Snoopy

Snoopy is an adorable little Exotic Shorthair living in China. Don’t hesitate to take a look at Snoopy’s cuteness under the username snoopybabe.
Click page 2 below for the next cat.
#2 – Lil Bub

Lil Bub gained popularity from her unique looks that are so silly we can’t help but love her. You can follow her from her home in Indiana under the username iamlilbub.
#3 – Sam

Over in New York City lives Same, the cat with eyebrows. We love Sam’s awesome posts and think you should check him out at samhaseyebrows.
#4 – Grumpy Cat

Almost everyone is familiar with Grumpy Cat, whose real name is Tarder Sauce. She’s widely popular and it’s hard not to love her just as much as everyone else does. Follow her at username tardthegrumpycat.
#5 – Colonel Meow

Colonel Meow lives in Los Angeles and has made cat afros quite popular. You can follow Colonel Meow and his Golden Retriever friend under username colonelmeow.
#6 – Shishu Maru

Shishu Maru is a lovable Scottish Fold that lives in Norway. While all Scottish Folds are adorable, Maru is especially cute. Follow Shishu Maru under the username emonemon.
#7 – Princess Monster Truck

This unique Persian lives in Brooklyn, NY and it’s thought that her fascinating underbite is the result of poor breeding choices. Follow her at princessmonstertruck.
#8 – Pudge

Pudge is one of Lil Bub’s best friends, though she lives over in Minneapolis. She’s a girl but proudly sports her white moustache. You can find her over at pudgethecat.
#9 – Hamilton

Hamilton goes by the name Hamilton the Hipster Cat because of his handsome moustache. He lives in California and was born on the 4th of July. Follow him at Hamilton_the_Hipster_Cat.