7 Simple DIY Gifts For Your Cat

| Published on April 22, 2016

Buying gifts for your cat can get very expensive, especially if you’re not sure what she’ll use and what she’ll ignore. If you have the time, skills, and tools for do-it-yourself (DIY) projects, though, you can often make similar gifts for a lot cheaper than if you bought them at a store. Plus, making them can be fun! If you’re feeling crafty, try some of these DIY tutorials to make some fun gifts for your kitty.

1. This clever tutorial will teach you how to make a few different kinds of toys out of recycled materials.

2. Here’s one that’ll show you how to make a simple puzzle toy.

3. Your cat will love this self-petting station!

4. This cat bed is cozy and quick to make.

5. This tent will be a great place for your cat to hide out!

6. This cardboard cat house will give your cat a place to hide and nap… and also a place to scratch.

7. And if you’re feeling very ambitious, try this DIY cat tree!

Buying gifts for your cat can get very expensive, especially if you’re not sure what she’ll use and what she’ll ignore. If you have the time, skills, and tools for do-it-yourself (DIY) projects, though, you can often make similar gifts for a lot cheaper than if you bought them at a store. Plus, making them can be fun! If you’re feeling crafty, try some of these DIY tutorials to make some fun gifts for your kitty.

1. This clever tutorial will teach you how to make a few different kinds of toys out of recycled materials.

2. Here’s one that’ll show you how to make a simple puzzle toy.

3. Your cat will love this self-petting station!

4. This cat bed is cozy and quick to make.

5. This tent will be a great place for your cat to hide out!

6. This cardboard cat house will give your cat a place to hide and nap… and also a place to scratch.

7. And if you’re feeling very ambitious, try this DIY cat tree!

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