Need help winterizing your Kitty? Whether you are trying to keep your indoor cat toasty or the stray that comes to your back door from freezing, these 5 tips can help make your life easier.
#1 – Bring Them Inside
It seems obviously, but sometimes we forget that our outdoor or “barn” cats may not have adequate coat or shelter for winter. Even bringing them into the garage and putting on a heater can mean the difference between life or death.

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#2 – Insulated Cubby
These DIY cubbies are being made all over the place for feral cats in the winter. You can make one for your own cat, or that stray you’ve been feeding. There are several ways to make them, here is one method from the Ian Somerhalder Foundation.

#3 – Self-Heating Bed
These beds are safe and give your cat a boost of warmth using their own body heat. Since they do not use electricity, you can feel good about leaving your kitty unattended with them in the house or outside.

#4 – Build a Shelter
If you have an outdoor cat or a stray colony of cats that must stay outside, build him a shelter out of scrap wood. The United States Humane Society says to make sure you do not use “blankets, towels, or folded newspaper; they absorb body heat and chill cats who are lying on them.” Straw stuffed in pillowcases is best. If you can afford a commercial model, there are quite a few available on the market.
Source: Dr. Foster Smith
#5 – Feed More
According to Alley Cat Allies, feed cats more food in the winter for “an extra caloric boost” and feed wet food because “It’s easier to digest, so cats save more energy for keeping warm.”