4 Cancer Prevention Tips For Cats

| September 21, 2016

When it comes to feline health, cancer prevention is at the top of everyone’s list. Rightfully so, because cancer affects our feline friends at a frightening rate. Regardless of breed or mix of breeds, cancer is a very real risk to our beloved cats. While much of preventing cancer relies on causes we’re either unaware of or just can’t control, there are some things we can do to help keep this awful disease at bay.

#1 – Spay & Neuter

Spaying and neutering is recommended for a number of reasons. First, it helps decrease the growing rate of pet overpopulation. There are millions of homeless animals in shelters across the United States alone. However, spaying and neutering has also been shown to help prevent certain cancers in our cats. Females spayed at a young age have a lower incidence of mammary cancers, especially if done prior to their first heat cycle.


#2 – Feed High-Quality Foods

As with humans, diet plays a huge role in overall health. Feeding a quality food, whichever you feel is best for your cat, will help prevent cancer at any age. The right nutrition accompanied by diets free of carcinogens like preservatives, artificial colors and unnecessary ingredients. Providing your cat with the appropriate nutrients will help keep cancer and many other ailments at bay.

#3 – Keep Your Cat Active

Also like humans, exercise plays a huge role in health. First, keeping your cat fit prevents many illnesses that are brought about by inactivity. Diabetes, heart disease and cancers can all be caused or worsened by a kitty that isn’t physically fit. They don’t have to be the next feline athlete, but making sure they get sufficient exercise and maintain a healthy weight is essential. Lack of physical fitness and obesity are major concerns within the feline population.


#4 – Avoid Known Environmental Carcinogens

Some environmental carcinogens are difficult or impossible to avoid. Others we don’t even know exist. But we can at least do our best to avoid the ones we do know about. Environmental carcinogens include cigarette smoke, bug sprays and other pesticides and herbicides. There are many studies that show a significantly increased risk of cancer in pets that are exposed to these toxins. If you’re able to stick to organic and non-toxic products, you’ll definitely want to consider them.


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