National Pets in Film Day (June 19) was created in 2011 by Celebrity Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert Colleen Paige to remind people to spend more time with their four-legged family members. In honor of the day here are 13 cat stars that lit up the screen with their acting acumen. My favorites are 7,8,& 9 – who is your favorite? Did we miss him or her? Tell us in the comments!
#1 – Orangey
Orangey was an orange tabby cat that had a prolific acting career, both in film and television. He acted in many shows (also credited as Jimmy and Rhubarb). He is the only cat to when two Patsy Awards (animals actors equivalent to the Oscars). His most well-known work would be Breakfast at Tiffany’s. (
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#2 – Vito Vincent
Another orange tabby, this contemporary cat gained fame in 30 Rock and The Colbert Report. He has in own website and recently moved from New York to the West Coast to continue his career.
#3 – Morris
The original Morris (another orange tabby!) is considered one of the most familiar cats of all time. He was in the 9 Lives brand commercials from the 70’s through the 80’s and then made an appearance in the Burt Reynolds movie, Shamu. Morris (whose real name was Lucky) was found at the Humane Society in Hinsdale, Illinois by Bob Martwick, an animal trainer. Every subsequent “Morris” must come from a shelter. (
#4 – Syn
A Siamese cat that played (along with another cat) in the original The Darn Cat! with Haley Mills and played Tao the Siamese in Disney’s 1963 film The Incredible Journey.
#5 – SGC Belfry Ted Nude-Gent
This kitty with a funny name is the Sphynx in the Austin Powers movies. He was bred by Michelle Berge of Belfry Cattery. Although his role is small, it’s definitely memorable.
#6 – Crackerjack
Fans of the Harry Potter films will be familiar with Crackerjack, the cat that plays Hermoine Granger’s pet cat in the film. Book lovers were worried that the filmmaker’s wouldn’t be able to find a cat that would fit the cranky yet lovable crookshanks. But they did – Crackerjack was a perfect fit.
#7 & 8 – Amber and Rumple
These two talented Abyssinians play the role of Jake in one of my all-time favorite cat movies – The Cat From Outer Space. This 1978 film is just wonderful, with a great supporting human cast as well.
#9 – Tiki
Tiki is the Himilayan who played Sassy in Disney’s Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey–another movie close to my heart. (I just recently lost my own Sassy, named after the character in the film.) Tiki the cat actor did an amazing job playing her role, and she was a rescue kitty from a kitty mill (just like my own Sassy!). This famous cat had the amazing ability to stay perfectly still for 45 minutes. I don’t think even a human actor could do that! (
#10-13 – Elvis, Lucy, Salem and Witch
These four sleek American shorthairs took turns playing the part of Salem in the hit series Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The four cats each had their own special acting gifts, and were used in scenes accordingly. (
National Pets in Film Day (June 19) was created in 2011 by Celebrity Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert Colleen Paige to remind people to spend more time with their four-legged family members. In honor of the day here are 13 cat stars that lit up the screen with their acting acumen. My favorites are 7,8,& 9 – who is your favorite? Did we miss him or her? Tell us in the comments!
#1 – Orangey
Orangey was an orange tabby cat that had a prolific acting career, both in film and television. He acted in many shows (also credited as Jimmy and Rhubarb). He is the only cat to when two Patsy Awards (animals actors equivalent to the Oscars). His most well-known work would be Breakfast at Tiffany’s. (
Click page 2 below for the next cats!
#2 – Vito Vincent
Another orange tabby, this contemporary cat gained fame in 30 Rock and The Colbert Report. He has in own website and recently moved from New York to the West Coast to continue his career.
#3 – Morris
The original Morris (another orange tabby!) is considered one of the most familiar cats of all time. He was in the 9 Lives brand commercials from the 70’s through the 80’s and then made an appearance in the Burt Reynolds movie, Shamu. Morris (whose real name was Lucky) was found at the Humane Society in Hinsdale, Illinois by Bob Martwick, an animal trainer. Every subsequent “Morris” must come from a shelter. (
#4 – Syn
A Siamese cat that played (along with another cat) in the original The Darn Cat! with Haley Mills and played Tao the Siamese in Disney’s 1963 film The Incredible Journey.
#5 – SGC Belfry Ted Nude-Gent
This kitty with a funny name is the Sphynx in the Austin Powers movies. He was bred by Michelle Berge of Belfry Cattery. Although his role is small, it’s definitely memorable.
#6 – Crackerjack
Fans of the Harry Potter films will be familiar with Crackerjack, the cat that plays Hermoine Granger’s pet cat in the film. Book lovers were worried that the filmmaker’s wouldn’t be able to find a cat that would fit the cranky yet lovable crookshanks. But they did – Crackerjack was a perfect fit.
#7 & 8 – Amber and Rumple
These two talented Abyssinians play the role of Jake in one of my all-time favorite cat movies – The Cat From Outer Space. This 1978 film is just wonderful, with a great supporting human cast as well.
#9 – Tiki
Tiki is the Himilayan who played Sassy in Disney’s Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey–another movie close to my heart. (I just recently lost my own Sassy, named after the character in the film.) Tiki the cat actor did an amazing job playing her role, and she was a rescue kitty from a kitty mill (just like my own Sassy!). This famous cat had the amazing ability to stay perfectly still for 45 minutes. I don’t think even a human actor could do that! (
#10-13 – Elvis, Lucy, Salem and Witch
These four sleek American shorthairs took turns playing the part of Salem in the hit series Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The four cats each had their own special acting gifts, and were used in scenes accordingly. (