Plants are great to have in your house – they clean the air, are a natural decoration, and can add pleasant scents to the house. However, they can also be deadly if you have cat. When choosing an indoor plant, stay away from the ones on this list, that, according to the ASPCA®, can by harmful or fatal or your kitty. (Source:
#1 – Aloe
Often grown in the house to use on burns and minor cuts, it is harmful to cats. Ingestion of Aloe can cause vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, tremors, depression, and change in urine color.

#2 – Begonia
This pretty plant has a lot of species and hybrids, over 11,000, and they are all toxic! They cause irritation and inflammation in the mouth including intense burning, drooling, and difficulty swallowing as well as vomiting.

#3 – Caladium
The Caladium is a common houseplant, but is very toxic. It causes the same reactions as the Begonia: irritation and inflammation in the mouth including intense burning, drooling, and difficulty swallowing as well as vomiting.

#4 – Dieffenbachia
There are several types of Dieffenbachia, all toxic. It also causes irritation and inflammation in the mouth including intense burning, drooling, and difficulty swallowing as well as vomiting.

#5 – Chinese Jade
A common plant found in homes, the Chinese jade is toxic, though no one knows exactly why. However, it will cause nausea and vomiting if ingested.

#6 – Christmas Rose
Though some roses are edible, keep this one out of your home. It causes drooling, abdominal pain, diarrhea, colic, and depression.

#7 – Philodendron
A common house plant because it is known to remove toxins in the air, it has several varieties all, unfortunately, toxic. Like many on this list, they cause irritation and inflammation in the mouth including intense burning, drooling, and difficulty swallowing as well as vomiting.

#8 – Dracaena
A common palm like plant, it causes bloody vomit, depression, anorexia, hypersalivation, and dilated pupils.

#9 – Elephant Ears
With pretty pink and green variegated leaves, it’s a common site to add color to a room. But, again, if you kitty ingests, he will be facing irritation and inflammation in the mouth including intense burning, drooling, and difficulty swallowing as well as vomiting.

#10 – Peace Lily
Another plant liked because of its air-filtering capabilities, the Peace Lily causes irritation and inflammation in the mouth including intense burning, drooling, and difficulty swallowing as well as vomiting, just like the others.

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