It’s commonly thought that all cats hate dogs, but there are many cats out there that absolutely love their canine companions. That said, if you’re looking for a new feline family member and you want them to get along with your dog, we recommend you look at some breeds that are known to be dog-friendly. While each cat is an individual, there are many breeds out there that are well-known for their enjoyment of doggie friends.
#1 – Abyssinian

The Abyssinian is a very social cat that gets along well with any species. They are very active and playful and can find fun interacting with humans and dogs alike.
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#2 – American Shorthair
The American Shorthair is a very intelligent cat that is fairly docile but does live well among dogs and other pets. Although quiet, the American Shorthair is confident and enjoys playing with dogs once proper boundaries have been established.
#3 – Birman

The Birman is quiet, but not timid. In fact, despite their gentle nature, Birmans are known for their love of playing fetch. Not only will they enjoy the game with their human family, they’ll run alongside the dogs as well!
#4 – Bombay

The Bombay is a very active, playful cat that enjoys all different kinds of games, including fetch. They are very affectionate and will become attached to their family members, both human and dog.
#5 – Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail is a very active breed that enjoys going for walks on a leash and playing games of all sorts. Its affectionate temperament make it a suitable companion for humans and dogs alike.
#6 – Maine Coon

This gentle giant is known for its own dog-like behavior as it follows its owner from room to room and eagerness to play games. Maine Coons get along well with all types of family members, human and animal.
#7 – Norwegian Forest Cat
The Norwegian Forest Cat is large and muscular, making them able to set clear boundaries between themselves and their canine housemates. Once these boundaries are established, they’ll get along just fine and even play with the dogs of the house.
#8 – Ragdoll

The Ragdoll is so named for its tendency to go limp when picked up and is one of the most gentle cat breeds around. They are known to be giant goofballs and get along well with all types of pets, including the most obnoxious of dogs.
#9 – Siberian
Siberians are extremely playful cats that enjoy interacting with every member of the family, human or animal. They are affectionate and curious, having been said to lead the dogs on plenty of mischievous adventures.
#10 – Tonkinese

This Tontines is a very affectionate cat that seeks out the company of all family members. In fact, although it loves to play fetch with its owners, it’s said that many Tontines will even try to play fetch with the dogs!