For a child, getting their first pair of glasses can be quite scary. The staff at A Child’s Eyes knows how important this moment is, so they got a furry helper to ease their fears.
A Child’s Eyes is an optical shop for children and infants. They focus on creating eye wear and treatment plans for visual handicaps of all kind, and how to make these options as comfortable for children as possible. Along with their daily tasks, is the art of helping each child feel comfortable in their new specs. When working with such young children, this can be quite difficult.

Truffles has lived at the clinic since she was just a few months old. The crew at this children’s eye clinic knew the addition of a clinic pet would be a huge hit among the kids, and could possibly help ease their nerves when they step in the door.
When Truffles was 6 months old, she tried on her very first set of glasses. Everyone was amazed by how well she tolerated the glasses, and knew that her bravery could help inspire others.

From that point on, Truffles became the clinic’s honorary eye glass instructor! She helps teach kids how to wear their glasses, how to wear their eye patches, and even how to identify shapes on their eye tests.
Truffles is incredibly intelligent, and has been able to pick up on some amazing tricks. The staff at A Child’s Eyes has taught Truffles the shapes on a child’s eye test, how to high five kids that walk by, how to wave and say hello, and even how to identify certain kinds of glasses. Truffles is truly an impressive kitty!

Truffles is loved so much by the kids at the office, that they look forward to coming back for their future eye appointments. Some kids even stop by just to say hello. It’s no doubt that Truffles helps to inspire so many, and prove that glasses are actually really cool!
The staff at A Child’s Eyes want to do everything possible to make this experience enjoyable for kids of all ages. With Truffles on their side, it’s no doubt that they will have children excited to come in for their own set of specs
Great work Truffles!
If you want to keep up with Truffles and her daily activities, or if you have a child that may need some inspiration on taking care of their glasses, you can follow her on her very own Instagram page.
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