Guy Brings Home Cat He Thought Was His Lost Pet

Written by: Julie Hunt
| Published on July 23, 2024

Miraculous events can occur, profoundly impacting our lives for the better! A few months back, a man discovered a cat in a neighboring area and brought him home, thinking it was his missing pet, Tom, who had disappeared months earlier. Though he hoped it was Tom, his doubts grew over time, and eventually, he realized he wasn’t. As winter arrived, the calls from people who thought they had seen Tom ceased, and his hopes of finding Tom faded. The found cat, later named Cilino, integrated into the household and became a cherished family member. Cilino had a mischievous side, loved to meow, and enjoyed being petted.

One evening, the man received a phone call from strangers who said they had seen a cat resembling Tom. With low expectations, he requested a photo. Upon seeing it, he was astonished—it was indeed Tom, though much thinner. That same night, he went to another neighborhood to retrieve him. Tom had entered someone else’s home, eaten the pet food there, and slept comfortably on the bed.

The man took Tom to the vet, where it was found that Tom had lost 3 kilograms over five months. His health was stable, but he needed attention and treatment. When friends and acquaintances asked the man about the first cat he had found, he confidently replied that he would now have two Ginger cats in his home, as both were now part of his family.

Old San Juan's Beloved Cats Are Under Threat
Old San Juan's Beloved Cats Are Under Threat by the Federal Government

The National Park Service has a plan to potentially euthanize up to 170 feral cats under the guise of nuisance control. Demand a policy that protects these cats!

Cilino found his way into his new owner’s heart, who firmly believes if it weren’t for him, Tom wouldn’t have found his way home. The two felines are forever tethered together by fate.

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