This Cat Is A Very Disappointed Hunter!

| Published on May 30, 2015

Everyone knows, cats are very good hunters. If you’ve seen your cat in action, trying to stalk and hunt something, then I’m sure you’d agree! They are like lions, creeping ever so silently, stalking their prey, and then they pounce with the quickness! They all have such amazing hunting skills regardless of what breed of cat they are!

The cat in the video below is showing off her hunting skills, and some bystanders were watching her every move. Carefully she stalks this pigeon, slowly moving towards her prey. However, the pigeon felt that he was being stalked. So he went by his instinct and flew away from danger! But watch and see what this cat does when her prey decides to fly away, it’s just too cute!

 via YouTube

LOL! Awwww..the poor kitty! She was so disappointed that her hunt didn’t go so well!

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