These Funny Kitties Think They Are Spies!

| Published on June 20, 2015

It’s no secret that cats are the ultimate spies…but have you ever considered they might be spying on you? After all, how could they know our exact schedules so they can wake us up before our alarms? How do they know where we keep the food and which laundry is clean and needs cat hair? Thankfully, The Dodo has caught cats in action and gives us proof that they’re really incredible animal spies. This video provides the perfect examples of how svelte, sneaky and smooth our feline friends really are at their craft. Their feline expertise remains unparalleled when it comes to being secret spies. Although, as this video shows, every professional has their vice… Even still, we love them all the same!

Although they’re certainly the best spies, cats also have a complete set of other unique skills to be revered. For more funny and informative feline videos, check out The Dodo’s YouTube channel!