Ricky The Kitten Gets Adopted – What Happens Next Is Heartwarming!

| June 4, 2015

In this adorable video we get to see the story of Ricky, the kitten who gets adopted. Better yet, we get to see it from his point of view from the time he leaves the animal shelter and arrives at his new home. Ricky soon meets Romy, the family dog, and tries to become her friend. Although she’s hesitant at first, as any dog may be, she soon warms up to Ricky and we get to see a beautiful friendship being to blossom. This heartwarming video proves that dogs and cats can be the very best of friends. Even though Romy seems uninterested at first, you can see that she truly understands Ricky means well and needs someone to call a friend.

This video was selected as the winner for the Catdance Film Festival in 2014. This film festival is put on by Fresh Step cat litter in order to celebrate both cats and the creative arts. You can watch all of the incredible videos submitted by visiting the Catdance Film Festival.