Cats have a way of making themselves the center of attention, especially when you’re trying to focus on something else. It’s almost as if they have a sixth sense for knowing when you’re busy, and that’s when they make their move. One classic example is their obsession with your laptop or computer keyboard – but only when you’re using it for work, of course. To a cat, work means they’re not getting the attention they deserve, and they simply won’t stand for it. So what’s the solution? Easy: plop down right on your keyboard, leaving you with no choice but to give them the attention they crave.

But in the case of these two clever cats, they’ve come up with an even more amusing way to interrupt their owner’s day. They’ve mastered the fine art of cat yoga.
From a feline perspective, watching their human do yoga must be pretty confusing. After all, humans typically spend their time sitting at a desk or lounging on the couch. So seeing their owner twist and stretch into unfamiliar shapes probably seems quite bizarre. And if yoga means their human is focused on something other than them, well, that’s a serious problem in a cat’s world.

Rob Moore, a fitness trainer for almost two decades, knows this all too well. He recently shared a hilarious video of his two cats, Kodi and Shorty, who have turned his yoga sessions into their own playful adventure. Rob posted the video on his YouTube channel, ShoKo (a cute blend of his cats’ names), and it’s an absolute must-watch for anyone who loves cats and fitness.
The video starts with Rob in a child’s pose, his forehead resting on the floor. Naturally, Shorty finds this odd and can’t resist giving his owner a curious sniff to see what’s going on. As Rob transitions into a seated twist with his hands in a prayer position, Kodi decides it’s time to show off his skills. Standing tall on his hind legs, he mimics the prayer pose with his little paws in the air, as if saying, “Look, Dad, I’m doing it too!”

Next up is the downward dog, which just so happens to put Rob’s face at the perfect height for some affectionate nose kisses from Shorty. Unsure of why his owner is suddenly in such a weird position, Shorty takes a lap around the “human bridge” to inspect it for sturdiness.
When Rob moves on to push-ups, Shorty is overjoyed to find that his owner’s head is now within easy reach. This is new territory for Shorty, so naturally, he has to give the back of Rob’s head a good sniff. Though it’s a close call, Rob manages to avoid accidentally bumping Shorty in the process, showing he’s used to these adorable interruptions.
As Rob stretches, his two cats decide it’s the perfect moment for a little playtime. Maybe they’re hoping that by causing a ruckus, they’ll distract him from his workout entirely.

A lunge offers Shorty the ideal opportunity to squeeze through the small gap between Rob’s legs, helping his owner hold the pose even longer. Kodi soon joins the fun, and despite being gently moved to the side by Rob, he quickly returns to claim his spot on the yoga mat.
Rob wraps up his session with a difficult balance pose, and once again, Kodi is right there to imitate him. It’s up for debate who performed the move better – the fitness trainer or the cat!
Yoga with two energetic cats certainly isn’t easy, but it’s endlessly entertaining. Rob’s furry companions are the stars of the show, and we can’t wait to see more of their playful yoga antics in the future. As long as Kodi and Shorty are involved, we’re sure the next workout will be just as delightful!