Grandma Brings Home Rescue Kitten To Woman Who Didn’t Want One

Written by: Julie Hunt
| Published on January 16, 2024

Melissa’s mom stumbled upon a tiny, flea-covered kitten while walking her daughter’s dog, Penny. Little did she know that this chance encounter would lead to an unexpected and heartwarming friendship between the two animals. Melissa’s mom, a strong and resilient woman who immigrated to the United States with nothing, had always been an animal lover. Over time, her love for animals grew stronger, and she became particularly fond of cats. However, her daughter didn’t want a cat. She wanted to get Penny a puppy instead, believing a dog would make a better companion. She couldn’t have predicted what would happen next, and neither could her mother!

Initially, Melissa was hesitant about her mother bringing the kitten home, unsure how Penny would react. But as she watched Penny’s excitement and curiosity around the tiny kitten, she knew she couldn’t resist. And so, the kitten, named Tangy after her tangerine-colored fur, became a part of the family.

Penny and Tangy’s relationship was surprising from the start. Despite Penny’s love for her human family, she had never shown much interest in other animals. However, with Tangy, it was different. The two formed an instant bond, with Tangy even playfully biting Penny’s toes – and Penny not minding at all.

It quickly became clear that Tangy was the baby sister Penny never knew she needed. Their relationship was not only unexpected but also deeply heartwarming. Over time, their bond grew stronger, and they began to do everything together. Tangy, who had been found in a place where her fate could have been very different, was now thriving in her new home. The once flea-covered kitten was now healthy and happy, thanks to the love and care she received from her human and canine family members.

One particularly endearing aspect of Penny and Tangy’s relationship was Tangy’s ability to fetch, a behavior not typically seen in cats. Over a year later, Penny and Tangy’s bond remains as strong as ever. They continue to cuddle, play, and spend every day together, proving that their unlikely friendship was meant to be. Through their beautiful relationship, they’ve shown that love knows no boundaries, even between different species.

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