7 Reasons Everyone Should Have A Cat

We catlovers know how awesome our cats are. That is why we have hundreds (if not thousands!) of pictures and videos of our cats doing sweet, cute, and funny things. This explains why there are tons of cat photos and videos all over the internet. We just want to share how awesome it is to have a cat in your life!

And BuzzFeed agrees with us! They created a video of 7 Reasons Why Everyone Should Own A Cat. First off, they are super adorable! How can you not love their cute faces. Second, they’re really playful. Watching them play is so amusing and entertaining! Watch the video below and find out more reasons why you should get a cat.

It’s definitely awesome to have a cat as a BFF! So what are you waiting for? Go to your local shelter and adopt a cat friend, right now!

We catlovers know how awesome our cats are. That is why we have hundreds (if not thousands!) of pictures and videos of our cats doing sweet, cute, and funny things. This explains why there are tons of cat photos and videos all over the internet. We just want to share how awesome it is to have a cat in your life!

And BuzzFeed agrees with us! They created a video of 7 Reasons Why Everyone Should Own A Cat. First off, they are super adorable! How can you not love their cute faces. Second, they’re really playful. Watching them play is so amusing and entertaining! Watch the video below and find out more reasons why you should get a cat.

It’s definitely awesome to have a cat as a BFF! So what are you waiting for? Go to your local shelter and adopt a cat friend, right now!