New Study Shows That Cats Positively Impact Owners’ Moods

Image source: @PostMemes via Flickr
Image source: @PostMemes via Flickr

In a new study, ARM & HAMMER™, makers of Clump & Seal Lightweight Cat Litter, evaluated cat owners’ behaviors and attitudes to uncover the incredible impact cats can have on their relationships, social media habits and everyday lives. Here’s the scoop on the results:


  • 95% of cat owners agree that their cat lightens their mood.
  • 88% say that their cat helps them unwind after a long and stressful day.
  • 50% say they make better decisions after talking to their cat.

In fact, many cat owners say that being at home with their cats makes them feel more relaxed than working out or being with other humans.

  • 86% of people say they’d rather be at home with their cat than go for a run.
  • 84% of people say they’d rather be at home with their cat than go to the gym.
  • 74% said they’d rather be at home with their cat than get a massage.

Image source: @thelittleone417 via Flickr
Image source: @thelittleone417 via Flickr


After a long stressful day, two-thirds (65%) of cat owners would rather be at home with their cat than be intimate with their partner.

Over one-third (35%) of cat owners would even prefer to cuddle with their cat than their significant other.

Women are very close with their cat – 70% let their cat sleep in the bed with them; while 82% of men believe that their cat brings them and their significant other closer together.

Image source: @AndrewBardwell via Flickr

A Cat’s Best Friend

  • 79% of cat owners agree that they treat their cat like a human.

Most owners view their cats as part of their family. For many, cats are another child – 72% of cat owners with children at home consider their cat to be their child.

  • 74% of cat owners agree that their cat is friendlier than most humans.

Many do things for their cat that they would typically do with a friend or family member, such as talking to their cat (57%), playing games with their cat (57%) and buying gifts for their cat (46%).

Image source: @PostMemes via Flickr
Image source: @PostMemes via Flickr

Puuurfect Presents

Almost half (47%) of cat owners bought their cat a holiday gift.

28% of 25-34 year old cat owners have dressed their cat up on Halloween.

Image source: "Katy Perry Purr cropped" by Katy_Perry_Purr.jpg: Eva Rinaldiderivative work: PancakeMistake (talk) - Katy_Perry_Purr.jpg. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons


Cool Cats

78% of respondents say celebrity cat owners make it cool to have a cat. Among their favorites? Ellen Degeneres, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry.

Image source: @agirlnamednee via Flickr



Over half (53%) of 18-24 year old cat owners have posted selfies of themselves with their cat.

One in five (20%) of 25-34 year old cat owners have created profiles and posts from the perspective of their cat.

Image source: @BryanAlexander via Flickr


Cats vs. Dogs

Cats are generally more relaxing and easier to manage than dogs.

Almost 7 in 10 (66%) pet owners who own both cats and dogs admit that their cat relaxes them more than their dog.

83% of pet owners who own both cats and dogs agree that taking care of their cat is easier than taking care of their dog.

Image source: Arm & Hammer
Image source: Arm & Hammer

Lighten the Litter

Cat owners purchase an average of 230 pounds of cat litter every year – more than the average weight of a baby elephant!

The weight of cat litter is a major issue for 75% of cat owners who wish it weighed less.

Over one-third (34%) of cat owners say the weight of litter is one of their biggest frustrations with cat litter.

And as far as chores go, 46% feel that changing cat litter is worse than cleaning the toilet.

About 4 in 10 (39%) cat owners say their significant other complains about having to change the cat litter.


 Sound off!


We want to know if the readers if iHeartCats agree with these results. Tell us in the comments how your cat has brightened your day!