Reddit user wroboat really loves his cat.
So when the 21-year-old got the opportunity to have professional photos taken, he knew exactly who to take with him.

“I really hadn’t planned on doing this but I had about $15 Groupon credit that was going to expire, so I decided to get a free photoshoot and canvas print at JCPenny to give the canvas print to my mom for Mother’s Day,” he wrote on Reddit.

His beloved cat – a 1 1/2-year-old Russian Blue mix named Charlie – accompanied him. And as it turned out, the end result was pure gold.

“I got professional pictures taken with my cat but they ended up looking more like engagement photos,” the cat-dad wrote.

Unsurprisingly, fellow Reddit users were smitten with the photogenic kitty and his human’s 100-watt smile.

“Are you registered at Petsmart?” asked fellow user howdareyou.

“Hell, I’d send them a engagement present!!!” said 51632.

We hope that wroboat‘s mom enjoyed these photos as much as we did! It looks like he and Charlie will live happily ever after – their love is definitely the “forever” kind!

(h/t: wroboat via Reddit)