Seven months ago, Redditor NyteMyre shared a video that has since gained significant attention, especially after being featured by Sunny Skyz Videos on YouTube a few days ago, where it quickly racked up thousands of views.

The video starts with two men at the bottom of the screen. One of them hands something to the other, and it’s clear he’s plotting something. His eyes fix on a cat lounging on a trampoline, and he grins, revealing his mischievous intent.

Sneaking up carefully, the man positions himself beside the trampoline. His plan becomes obvious: he aims to prank the cat by jumping on the trampoline and launching the unsuspecting feline into the air. Confident in his scheme, he leaps.
However, the cat proves quicker and more alert. Before the man can land on the trampoline, the cat has already scampered away. Instead of the cat being pranked, the man gets an unexpected surprise—there’s a puddle of water underneath the trampoline. As he lands, he splashes into the water, becoming the true victim of his prank. The onlookers burst into laughter.

The Reddit thread discussing the prank buzzed with curiosity. Many wondered why there was water under the trampoline and why it was positioned at ground level. Some commenters explained that in the Netherlands, trampolines are often set up differently. To create an in-ground trampoline, a hole is dug to place it at ground level, a method designed to prevent children from falling from a height.

As for the water under the trampoline, some initially thought there was a pool. However, people familiar with these trampolines clarified that heavy rains can cause water to collect beneath them. Typically, installers check the soil type when setting up a trampoline. Most garden soil allows rainwater to drain away naturally, but if the soil is clay or non-porous, a soakaway system might be recommended to assist drainage. In this case, it seemed the water hadn’t drained properly, as evidenced by the prankster’s soaked state.
Sadly, this seems to have been a disturbing pattern that must be addressed. To protect future animals and provide him with the support he needs, he must be banned from ever owning animals again and undergo mandatory counseling.
Despite his failed attempt to prank the cat, viewers found the video highly entertaining. The setup, while different, appears safe for children and still offers plenty of fun. Additionally, keen-eyed viewers noticed that the neighbor had a similar trampoline setup and even kept pet chickens.
As for the cat, it remained safe and dry. Though the man’s plan backfired, the laughter and satisfaction from the audience made the prank a hit.