Mama Cat Rushes to Protect Kitten When Dad Gets Rough

By: Clarisse Jelle
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| August 2, 2024

Dads have a special knack for playing with their kids. They might toss them in the air or engage in playful wrestling matches on the floor. Sometimes, though, the fun gets a bit too rambunctious, prompting a concerned mom to step in with a gentle, “Okay…settle down.”

A viral video, amassing over 2.2 million views, shows a similar dynamic in the feline world. In this clip, a mama cat steps in to supervise when her kitten’s dad gets a bit too playful. It’s a perfect example of the term “mama bear” but in cat form.


Cats are known for their playful nature. When they’re not napping, which they do for about 16 hours a day, they’re busy playing. From kittens to adults, they chase each other around, pounce on one another, and generally have a good time. However, in this instance, a daddy cat’s playfulness led to a mama cat’s intervention.

Kittens are like human toddlers in their ability to test their parents’ patience. They’ll jump on a sleeping parent or sneak up to give a playful swat. This particular kitten seemed to be no different, probably instigating some of the roughhousing.

The video shows the daddy cat minding his own business when the kitten decides to bite his tail. Initially, the dad gives a gentle tap on the kitten’s face, but soon joins in the play. From an observer’s point of view, it all seems harmless. The dad is careful and gentle, and the kitten doesn’t make any sounds of distress. But the mama cat remains cautious, watching closely.

Before taking any action, the mama cat checks things out, sniffing around to ensure everything is okay. Once satisfied that the situation is under control, she steps back. However, the dad, perhaps sensing he might be in trouble, moves away from the kitten, allowing the mama to give her a thorough inspection from head to tail.

Reassured, the mama cat leaves, and the dad, trying his luck again, gently taps the kitten’s tail to resume play. But the kitten, seemingly tired, just wants to snuggle with her dad. With no interest in further roughhousing, the daddy cat eventually moves to another part of the room.

Ever vigilant, the mama cat keeps an eye on the dad even as he leaves the room. The kitten, meanwhile, looks on, seemingly oblivious to her parents’ interactions.

One viewer aptly commented on the video, “Mama is like you better not mess with my baby.” Another remarked, “The best part is when the daddy cat starts to lick his kitten’s forehead when the mama jumped in. Like the loving father he thinks he is. How cute.”

She Harmed Terrified, Helpless Animals for YouTube Views and Likes
She Harmed Terrified, Helpless Animals for YouTube Views and Likes

A woman stands accused of seeking out live animals to harm them for her YouTube channel videos. Authorities must ban her from owning, adopting, living with, or working with pets ever again!

This video beautifully captures the dynamics of a feline family, highlighting the playful nature of cats and the protective instincts of a mama cat.

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