Kitten’s Adorable Strategy to Befriend Giant Rottweiler Melts Hearts

By: Clarisse Jelle
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| October 17, 2024

Imagine stumbling upon a tiny, abandoned kitten on the street and deciding to give her a new home—that’s exactly what one kind-hearted man did, and his story has touched many hearts on YouTube.

He welcomed the little cat into his family and named her Akula. But there was one big concern: how would Choko, the family’s Rottweiler, react to this new addition?

Feeling a bit uncertain about their first meeting, the man shared his thoughts in the video’s description: “I found an abandoned kitten and decided to adopt her. This is the progress with Choko. I wonder who scares who?”

We often hear that cats and dogs aren’t the best of friends, but Akula didn’t seem to know that. Without a hint of fear, the tiny kitten marched right up to Choko to say hello.

This was a bold move, especially since animal experts usually suggest introducing new pets slowly. According to PAWS, it’s best to keep new animals apart at first and let them get used to each other’s smells by swapping their bedding. Face-to-face meetings should come later. But in this case, Akula and Choko met each other right away without any delay.

Surprisingly, it was Choko who seemed a bit nervous around Akula. In a funny twist, the big dog jumped back and carefully moved away from the tiny kitten. Not exactly what you’d expect from a large Rottweiler!

But Akula was determined to make a new friend. She approached Choko again, hoping to win him over. This time, Choko was more accepting, though he was clearly curious about this new little creature in his home. After all, it was his first time seeing a cat up close.

Throughout their meeting, Choko was very well-behaved. He didn’t try to bite or harm Akula at all. He did gently nudge her away a few times with his nose, perhaps wanting some quiet time as he relaxed in the kitchen.

By the end of the video, everything had changed for the better. After their initial introduction, Akula and Choko seemed to have settled into their new living situation. They appeared to realize that they’d be sharing the same space and might as well get along. Seeing their happy faces, it’s safe to say they’ve become friends.

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Akula’s persistent kindness eventually won Choko over, just like it did with the rest of the family. She didn’t let any old sayings about cats and dogs being enemies affect her. She approached the new situation bravely, and it turned out great.

Here’s wishing these new furry family members all the best as they continue to learn and grow together under one roof.

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