Everyone who lives with a cat surely knows that they need to give the cat some attention. So what happens if you don’t give them their time of the day? This guy tries to have his work done but his cat is trying to demand some attention and his cat is definitely getting what he wants. Watch the video below and I’m sure all cat lovers can really relate to this.
Now you know the rule! Give your cat the attention he or she needs or else this will happen to you. LOL!
Everyone who lives with a cat surely knows that they need to give the cat some attention. So what happens if you don’t give them their time of the day? This guy tries to have his work done but his cat is trying to demand some attention and his cat is definitely getting what he wants. Watch the video below and I’m sure all cat lovers can really relate to this.
Now you know the rule! Give your cat the attention he or she needs or else this will happen to you. LOL!