Homeless Cat Sneaks Into The Zoo And Befriends A Lynx, Against All Odds

Written by: Modi Ramos
| Published on May 29, 2015

Have you ever wondered what a domesticated cat would do if faced with a wild cat? Would the domesticated cat be scared? Would the wild cat think of the inferior cat as prey? In St. Petersburg, Russia one stray cat recently put these questions to the test.

After sneaking into the zoo, this stray Calico cat made her way around the facility until settling on the lynx enclosure that triggered her curiosities. Onlookers were there to spot this truly rare occasion, and thankfully with the help of cellphone video were able to record something incredible.

(Of course, we would never advise humans to facilitate this sort of interaction.)

See the footage below of this amazing chance encounter:

Wasn’t that so beautiful?! Who knew that two completely different kinds of cats would embrace each other with so much love and admiration. Perhaps it doesn’t matter what kind of cats come together, because at the end of the day they are all part of the same species that we all know and love–cats!