Guy Stops to Save a Lost Kitten and Ends Up with a Big Surprise!

By: Clarisse Jelle
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| July 16, 2024

Why did the adorable kitten attempt to cross the road? To trick the unsuspecting human who caught sight of it, naturally!

Robert Brantley was driving through the countryside of Louisiana, minding his own business, when he noticed what appeared to be a tiny grey kitten moving around in the grass. Traveling at 40 miles an hour, he wasn’t entirely sure what he saw.

So, he turned his car around and headed back to the spot where he thought he had seen the creature.

As he stepped out of his car, a white and grey tabby kitten ran towards him, confirming his suspicion. But just as he was about to pick up the charming little kitten, a swarm of fluffy kittens emerged, surrounding him and teaching him an unexpected lesson: sometimes life gives you more than you expect!

In this case, the surprise was a group of thirteen adorable stray kittens that wouldn’t leave him alone.

In the video Robert filmed to document his encounter, kittens can be seen emerging from the grass and gathering around his legs. Despite being only a few weeks old, they instinctively knew to use his legs as a scratching post.

“Oh no, there’s a whole – OH MY GOSH!” he exclaimed. “I can’t take ya’ll. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh there’s more!” But in the end, he did take them all, because that’s what kind-hearted people do.

To his credit, Robert didn’t utter a single swear word during the entire filming of his unexpected kitten takeover. This level of patience is precisely what cats look for in their ideal human companions.

Robert was genuinely upset that someone would abandon such beautiful kittens in the wild. Though they are animals, they are not “wild animals” like their larger relatives in Africa.

Domesticated cats need things like cardboard boxes and breakable items to live a fulfilling life. Denying them these essentials is simply cruel.

Once Robert managed to free himself from the swarm of kittens, he realized the true extent of the situation. “Hot diggity dog!” he exclaimed, showcasing his spontaneous and wholesome nature.

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It became clear that there were many kittens to deal with. Getting thirteen squirming kittens into the back of his Honda hatchback was no easy feat. “When I opened the door and started putting ’em in, they were jumping out. If I’d throw one in, three would run out,” he told NPR. “But they would stay around my ankles on the ground. So I finally rolled down the windows, shut a door, and started putting them inside where they couldn’t get out.”

In case you’re wondering, all the kittens have since found their perfect human companions to play with forever.

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