Group Of 10 Cats Wants To Recruit A Stray Cat As Their New Member

| Published on November 21, 2015

Do you remember that video of 10 cats reacting to soap bubbles? Those 10 cats have their own YouTube channel named 10 Cats. And their videos are simply adorable! In fact, their YouTube channel is one of the favorites among many cat lovers!

Now these 10 cats may be changing their name to 11 cats, because I think they’re about to recruit their newest member. In the video below, a stray cat has wandered onto their property. As you can see, the 10 cats assess the situation–unsure if they’re gonna let this newcomer in. Check out the adorable video below!

Hmmm…so what do you think? Will the 10 cats approve this new applicant? Not that my vote matters, but I vote yes!

Share this adorable video with your fellow cat lovers!