In a world often dominated by troubling news, it’s a breath of fresh air to come across stories that warm the heart and bring a smile to our faces. This story is definitely one of those uplifting tales.
Back in mid-April 2019, a Reddit user going by the name u/LuciferLOL666 shared a post that was not only kind but incredibly generous. What they didn’t anticipate was the widespread attention and admiration that would soon follow.

The post read: “I made a wheelchair for my friend’s disabled dog. Some of the parts were 3D printed, and the rest cost under $20 on Amazon. The dog’s reaction was priceless. If anyone has a disabled dog, I will provide the 3D printed parts for free and give you directions on how to assemble the rest.”
What started as a simple act of kindness quickly gained momentum. In just a few days, the Redditor found themselves inundated with requests from people all over the country, each seeking help for a disabled animal in their lives. The original poster (OP) even shared an adorable video of the dog experiencing newfound freedom, finally able to move around on its own.

The OP was amazed by how quickly their initiative took off. “I’m blown away by how successful this became and how quickly. I have had roughly 40 requests for parts so far and I will begin printing the items for the smaller animals first. I think I can have all requests so far shipped out by the end of next week. I have to juggle these a bit with work-related prints, but these parts are fairly small and will print quickly,” they shared in an update.
It’s evident that this Redditor has a deep love for animals, inspired by figures like Steve Irwin, Jack Hanna, and David Attenborough. They explained that they own a Fortus 900 FDM printer, which allows them to produce parts efficiently. Yet, even with such resources, the number of animals in need far exceeded their expectations.

As the post gained more attention, the Reddit user began reaching out to others for assistance in fulfilling the overwhelming number of requests. Unsurprisingly, many compassionate individuals stepped forward, eager to contribute to this remarkable cause.
“This got way more attention than I anticipated, and I have hundreds of requests. I have reached out to several industrial 3D printing services to see if they can volunteer some machine time and material, and I will be reaching out to people that volunteered to crowdsource their machines to help production as well,” the OP mentioned.
The entire thread is worth checking out, especially the video of the happy pup enjoying its new mobility. If you know of an animal in need of some assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to this generous Redditor by sending them a direct message.
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I made a wheelchair for my friends disabled dog. Some of the parts were 3D printed and the rest cost under $20 on amazon. The dogs reaction was priceless. If anyone has a disabled dog I will provide the 3D printed parts for free and give you directions on how to assemble the rest.
by inaww