Emergency room doctors are used to thinking quickly in a crisis, and Doctor Halil Akyürek put these skills to use when he rescued a stray cat!
Last week, a man was leaving the Özel Akgün Tem Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, through a revolving door. He didn’t realize that a white cat had begun to enter the door from the outside at the same time. As the glass swiveled, the unsuspecting stray got stuck between the glass door and the door jamb!
(We have not included the full video because it may be disturbing for some viewers.)

Once the man realized what had happened, he immediately stopped and frantically tried to free the cat. A couple bystanders rushed to help, but they weren’t sure how to save him without causing further injury. Time was of the essence as the trapped kitty struggled to survive. Luckily, Dr. Halil Akyürek arrived just in time.
“The cat’s neck was totally stuck,” Dr. Akyürek told Haber Turk, a news station. “He was struggling and having trouble breathing. I put my hand on the back of his head and properly removed him from the door. We immediately began CPR.”
They worked quickly and massaged the kitty’s heart to keep it beating. He was given an oxygen mask as he regained his normal breathing. Once the worst was over, Dr. Akyürek called a veterinarian to get advice on further medical treatment. Amazingly, the fighting feline began recovering almost immediately, and he was given the perfect name: Miracle!
Miracle knew who had saved his life, and didn’t hide his affection for Dr. Akyürek!
The doctor fell in love with Miracle too, and decided that he should never have to live on the streets again…so, he adopted his purring patient!
Miracle loves life with his new family.
What started as a very unlucky day for this kitty turned into the day that he got a second chance at life and a forever home.
Thanks to everyone who worked diligently to save this formerly stray cat, and especially to the Akyürek family, who gave him a home. We’re glad that you finally got the life you deserve, Miracle!