A tiny, sick kitten named Jerry and his best friend, a sweet dog named Tom, were left to fend for themselves in a garbage dump after their callous owner ditched them there. Jerry struggled with his eye, and Tom could sense that he needed love and healing. The dog watched over the kitten as if both their lives depended on it. Tom took on the role of Jerry’s protector and cuddled him close to protect him from the cold. The kitten, in turn, pledged his loyalty and the duo fought to survive another day.

Luckily, the pair was spotted by a kind person who is a volunteer animal rescuer. Seeing Tom cradling Jerry close won her heart. Once Tom sensed the rescuer was there to help, he carried Jerry over to her, asking for help. The volunteer put them both in her car and rushed them to the emergency clinic. Jerry meowed over and over, pleading for his friend to never leave him. Tom happily obliged.

Once they arrived at the clinic, both animals were examined. Tom was healthy, but Jerry’s condition was concerning. Just as his rescuer sensed, his left eye was badly infected. He was prescribed antibiotics, and both were sent home with the kind human.

After a few days, Jerry’s condition worsened. His eye swelled, requiring another trip to the vet. Tom paced back and forth in the waiting room, eager to get back to his best friend. The vet said Jerry required surgery to remove the infected eye. While the operation went well, Jerry had a hard time waking up from anesthesia. This was very concerning!
The vet and the rescuer allowed Tom into the room to say goodbye in case Jerry didn’t recover. He stood up on the table and showered his best friend with kisses, nestling his head into his tiny body. Moments later, Jerry opened his eyes! It was a miracle!

Jerry soon recovered completely, and the pair played non-stop to celebrate. Their rescuer took good care of them until she found a loving family to adopt them both. They will never be separated and can live their days together forever!
Before they left, Tom and Jerry thanked their rescuer with kisses and hugs. They understood how much she did for them, and without her, they would still be in the garbage dump, struggling to survive.