Old Cat Befriends Elderly Stranger, Transforms Her Into A Child Once Again

| August 16, 2023

Kellen adopted a deaf cat from the shelter 16 years ago. She named him Darwin. The cat fought through serious health issues where vets weren’t sure if he’d survive. From the start, Kellen knew he was special. His tough start in life certainly didn’t dictate who he’d become!

As Darwin grew older, his love for others intensified. He had this gravitational pull that affected everyone he met, including Kellen’s foster pets. Kellen taught him how to walk on a leash and he loved it! As life went on, and Darwin aged more, he still maintained his kitten-like qualities.

At 17 years old, Darwin still loved going on walks, even though he had some issues with his balance. One day, he met a stranger in the park, an 85-year-old woman named Lida. The woman was from Uzbekistan. Seemingly lonely, Lida stared off into the distance. Sensing her struggles, Darwin went up to her as she sat by the pond.

When Lida saw Darwin, ‘she lit right up!’ The elderly woman, who struggled to move about, actually got on the ground to Darwin’s level. The video says, “Darwin and Lida were both young again that day.” Their connection had such an effect that it was as if they aged backward!

This beautiful story will give you all the feels! Play the video to learn more. Darwin, you are truly one special cat!

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