Chloe Is The Definition Of “Tiny But Mighty”

By: Amber LaRock
Amber LaRock is a writer and reviewer for iHeartCats. She is a Licensed Vet Tech with 12 years of experience in the field, and she now creates informative content for pet parents.Read more
| October 31, 2019

Chloe is a very special cat who suffers from hind limb paralysis. Though the odds were stacked against her, she never allowed her disability to dull her shine!

Hannah Shaw is a passionate cat and kitten advocate, who is known as the “Kitten Lady” in the world of animal rescue. She has dedicated her life to fostering kittens of all kinds, and helping to spread accurate and helpful information to those who are interested in feline rescue.

Chloe met Hannah at a local animal shelter when she was there to pick up a new litter of bottle babies to foster. While she was visiting, the shelter staff informed her of a new kitten that had just been brought in. They informed her of the unfortunate fact that her back legs did not work, and that she was unable to walk. Once Hannah locked eyes with the terrified kitten, she knew she had to help.


When she first brought Chloe home, she was overcome with emotion and uncertainty when it came to fostering this special needs kitten. She had never fostered a paralyzed kitten before and was unsure of the road ahead of them. One thing she did know, however, was that it would now be her mission to find a way to help Chloe live as full a life as possible.


Over the next three months, Chloe would go to more than two dozen veterinary appointments in an effort to find a way to get her mobile. After several opinions, it was clear that Chloe would never walk. Desperate to find a way to get her moving, Hannah reached out to a 3D printing engineer that would help in building Chloe her very own custom wheelchair.


The wheelchair was incredible. It was created just for Chloe’s tiny little body, with an adorable Malibu Barbie theme. Everyone hoped that this would be a life changing moment for Chloe.

Hannah envisioned Chloe hopping into her wheelchair and rolling her way to happiness. What everyone had hoped would be her ticket to liberation, actually held her back even more than before. This is when Hannah’s mindset shifted.


“At this time, I’d imagined that she was unhappy in her body, but I’d never stopped to consider what happiness looked like for Chloe. I’d projected my own expectation onto her- that she couldn’t be fulfilled unless she could walk. “ – Hannah

She then shifted her focus to creating the perfect home for Chloe, and what it would take to create an environment in which she could thrive with a family.

With the addition of mats on the floor that helped her gain traction, steps that helped her lead up to furniture, and runners leading up to higher areas in which she could pull herself up, she found the perfect combination that allowed Chloe to be the active and playful kitten she had always wanted to be!

Once Hannah found the key to keeping Chloe happy in a home, she was able to find a loving family that was up to the challenge! Hannah and Chloe’s new family worked together over the span of a few days, and helped Chloe become acclimated to her a new home. Within days, she was settled in and loving her new surroundings!


Chloe is now living her best life, zooming around her forever home like a race car. Chloe’s ability to thrive no matter her challenges is truly impressive and is an example we can all learn from!

Thanks for being so amazing Chloe, and thank you to the dedicated animal rescuers who helped her reach her happy ending!

H/T: Tiny But Mighty, Kitten Ladies Guide To Vulnerable Felines Book
Image Source: Kitten Lady’s Instagram& Go Chloe Go