Cats are notorious for always wanting to be in the spotlight, and any cat owner knows that they love to be involved in whatever their human is doing. If a cat feels that they’re not getting enough attention, they’ll make sure to change that quickly. One of the most amusing ways they do this is by plopping themselves onto a laptop or keyboard, especially when you’re trying to get work done. To them, work equals no attention, and no attention simply won’t do. So, they’ll do anything, including making your keyboard their new favorite spot.

But in this case, two cats have come up with an even funnier way to steal their owner’s focus – they’ve become experts at interrupting his yoga sessions. Yoga, to cats, must look like a very strange thing. Humans usually sit in chairs or lie in beds, so seeing their owner suddenly twisting and balancing in all sorts of odd positions must seem confusing. And if the human is doing yoga, well, that means the human isn’t paying attention to them – a cat’s worst nightmare.
Rob Moore, who’s been a fitness trainer for almost two decades, shared this hilarious scenario in a video on YouTube. His channel, ShoKo, is named after his two cats, Kodi and Shorty. In the video, Rob starts his yoga routine with a child’s pose. Shorty, wondering why his owner’s head is resting on the floor, gives it a quick sniff to investigate.

Then Rob moves into a side twist, with his hands pressed together in a prayer position. This is when Kodi decides to join in. Standing tall on his back legs, Kodi mimics his owner, raising his little paws as if to say, “Look, I can do it too!”
When Rob transitions into the downward dog pose, Shorty seizes the opportunity to show some affection, giving Rob a kiss on the nose. It seems Shorty can’t quite figure out why his owner is in such a strange position, so he takes a moment to walk underneath Rob, checking out this unusual “human bridge.”

Next up are push-ups, and Shorty is thrilled that his owner’s head is once again within reach. He even manages to get close enough to sniff the back of Rob’s head. Despite nearly getting bonked by Rob’s movements, Shorty is persistent and curious.
As Rob moves into a stretch, the cats take a break from helping and instead engage in a playful scuffle, which is a perfect distraction from Rob’s exercises. Shorty, always one to make things interesting, uses Rob’s lunge pose as an opportunity to squeeze through the narrow space between his arms and legs, helping him maintain that position a little longer.

Kodi makes a quick visit, and although Rob gently moves him to the side, the determined cat returns right back to the yoga mat. He’s not about to let Rob continue without him!
The session wraps up with Rob attempting a challenging balance pose, while Kodi tries his best to imitate the move. It’s hard to say who performed better, but one thing is certain – doing yoga with two cats around is no easy task. However, the cuteness overload makes it all worth it. We can’t help but wish we had adorable cats like Kodi and Shorty to “assist” with our workouts, and we’d love to see more of their antics in future videos!