Cats are known for being jumpy, often startled by even the smallest things. Whether it’s a sudden loud noise or an unfamiliar object on the floor, it’s not uncommon to see a cat leaping in surprise and dashing away. It’s amusing to think that these seemingly confident and independent creatures can be so easily spooked. This led one cat owner to wonder: what would happen if a cat watched a horror movie?

We humans often find ourselves on edge while watching a good horror movie, our hearts racing with every jump scare, loud noise, or eerie soundtrack. So, it’s reasonable to assume that a cat might react similarly. The tension, the suspenseful music, the sudden movements on screen—would a cat be frightened too? Perhaps it would freeze in place, or even dart out of the room in fear. But what actually happens?
One cat owner decided to test this theory by letting their tabby cat watch a horror movie at home. They secretly set up a camera to capture the cat’s reactions as the movie played. Positioned so that only the cat was visible, the camera caught the feline intently watching the television, which was out of frame. As the suspenseful music filled the room, the cat’s anxiety grew.

The cat was completely still, eyes locked on the screen, absorbing every movement and sound. As the film continued, the tension built, and the poor cat became more and more uneasy, its pupils dilating and contracting as it tried to process what was happening. With each frightful moment, the cat seemed to become more nervous, eventually tucking its front paws beneath its body, a sign of discomfort and apprehension.
Watching the cat’s growing discomfort was both funny and a bit sad. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for the little guy as he sat there, glued to the screen, unsure of what to do. Finally, when a particularly suspenseful moment hit and a woman’s scream pierced the air, the cat couldn’t take it anymore. It bolted from its spot, unable to endure the fear any longer.

Cats communicate a lot through their eyes, and this situation was no different. It’s often said that cats “speak” with their eyes, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings about what they’re feeling. To truly understand a cat, it’s important to pay attention to their eyes and body language. For instance, when a cat’s pupils dilate, it could mean they’re excited or scared. On the other hand, when their pupils narrow, it could indicate pleasure, anger, or fear. Understanding these subtle cues can help you better interpret what a cat is experiencing.
The cat’s reaction to the horror movie might remind us of how we’ve felt throughout the events of 2020. That year was full of unexpected twists and turns, much like a horror movie. The cat’s wide-eyed fear and eventual escape could be seen as a reflection of our own reactions to the challenges we faced during that time. But just as the cat eventually found safety, we can hope that things will improve as we move forward.