Woman’s Premie Kittens ‘Rescue’ Her From A Stroke At 29 Yrs Old
Many cats are thriving today because of wonderful animal foster parents like Danielle. Taking in kittens who still need to be bottle-fed is incredibly challenging,...
Many cats are thriving today because of wonderful animal foster parents like Danielle. Taking in kittens who still need to be bottle-fed is incredibly challenging,...
An inspirational man named Ikram Korkmazer adheres to a steadfast rule at his butcher shop: every stray animal that visits gets meat scraps. This tender-hearted...
All cats are unique and awesome in their own way, but orange tabby cats have a special place in many peoples’ hearts. These felines certainly...
Most of us don't need any extra reasons or incentives to pet our cats. Many of us would probably even stay home from work to...
Sometimes people don’t know what a cat lover they truly are until they meet the cat who steals their heart. And once the cat lover...
When Alex, a kind-hearted woman, stumbled upon a stray cat that couldn't move, she knew she couldn't just leave her behind. The cat was completely...
A Havanese pup named Oakley was fortuitously rescued from two coyotes' clutches by her cat sibling, Binx, who sprang into action during the attack. The...
When Sandra first laid eyes on a tiny, paralyzed kitten, she was heartbroken by the fear she saw in his eyes. Despite not knowing how...
When the Kutscher family made the forty-mile move from Bridgeport, West Virginia, to Morgantown, they were short one furry family member. And though the Kutschers...
You’d think dogs wouldn’t be able to surprise us anymore with their generosity and unconditional love, but they somehow keep finding new ways to one-up...