Cat Teaches Kitten About What To Do When The Humans Are Watching The Big Game

| Published on September 2, 2015

As humans, we probably don’t consider how we appear to other animals and as odd as cats can be, they likely think we’re even stranger. To illustrate this, Friskies has created an excellent series of videos where an adult cat is teaching a kitten about the unique was of humans. In this one, we get to hear the awesome explanation of game day. Most of us will agree that humans get a little out of control when it comes to sports, but we never imagined what our cats think of the situation. Most of us know or have cats that typically hide away when large groups of people are over, but we never thought this was the reason why they’re so frightened!

Hopefully this little kitten gets the picture and stays out of the scary room. Although the life lessons might seem strange to us, we certainly love this videos and can’t wait to see what else Friskies comes up with!