Cat Sees His Buddy Sitting By The Pool–Now Watch What Happens Next!

We love our cats. That’s for sure. They’re sweet, cute, and they make our days complete.

However, we can’t deny the fact that cats can be insensitive sometimes. There are just times when our cats seem to intentionally annoy us. And they don’t just do that to humans, they can pick on other cats too! Just like what happened in the video below.

In the video you will see a cat sitting at the edge of the pool. Seconds later, another cat appears. Watch the video and see what the other cat does!

House Cats Re-Create Lion King“Long live the king!”

Posted by America’s Funniest Home Videos on Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Is your cat a prankster sometimes? What did he/she do? Tell us about it in the comments section below!