Cat Prefers Sitting Like A Human–You Gotta See This!

Written by: Adri Sandoval
Adri Sandoval is the Special Projects Manager for iHeartDogs and iHeartCats. Her work has deepened her love for animals, fostering a strong passion for rescue and animal advocacy.Read more
| Published on August 19, 2015

Look to the left then to the right. Okay, so far so good. No humans around! Wait…is someone calling me? I thought I heard my human mom’s voice.. Nope nothing, I’m safe. Lemme scoot over to the edge a little bit more and YES, so much better! I dunno why humans expect us cats to sit the way they think we should. I actually prefer to sit like this so i can dangle my feet – it’s so much cooler!

If humans only knew, we cats have been sitting like this since the time of Cleopatra! Why, she liked us to sit around with her watching the world pass by, you know. Whoops, that’s mom…I am so busted!

I knew it, they think I’m über cute and unique. Ha! If they only knew but I won’t tell them, if you won’t. Sure, share this vid so other cats would know what to do if ever they get caught too! 😉