Cat Adorably Meets New Baby Sister for the First Time

By: Clarisse Jelle
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| August 2, 2024

Pets are treasured members of our families, and many people see them as their children. When a new human baby joins the family, everyone, including pets, needs to adapt to this new situation. It’s important for expectant parents to prepare their cats for the baby’s arrival to create a safe and happy home environment.

The Humane Society advises that you should start getting your cat used to the idea of a baby before the baby actually arrives. A good way to do this is by inviting friends with babies to visit. This helps your cat get used to how a baby moves and acts. You don’t need to force your cat to interact with the baby. Instead, give your cat treats to make these interactions positive.

You can also start setting up your home for the baby ahead of time. Put up the bassinet, baby swings, and strollers, so your cat becomes familiar with these new items in their environment.

There’s a touching video that shows Minnie the cat being introduced to the baby even before the baby is born. Minnie loves to snuggle up to her owner’s pregnant belly.

When the baby finally arrives, Minnie’s owner tells her, “That’s your new sister!” At first, Minnie looks at the baby cautiously. After a few moments, she slowly approaches the baby carrier and starts sniffing the baby. It’s clear that Minnie is very curious.

Minnie also watches the baby when the carrier is placed on the coffee table. When the owner holds the baby on the couch, Minnie jumps up and moves towards the baby, sniffing her hands and body.

In another scene, the baby is being carried, and Minnie is lying down on the baby’s foot. A few seconds later, Minnie gets up and lies right beside the baby, snuggling up close. Throughout the video, it’s obvious that Minnie is getting more comfortable with the baby. At one point, she even climbs halfway onto the baby’s back before lying down.

Minnie also enjoys being rocked with her new sister. It almost seems like she thinks she is a baby too. She lovingly puts a paw on her owner’s face and snuggles against his chest.

As the baby grows older, Minnie becomes more used to her presence. When the baby starts to crawl, Minnie just watches her and is not bothered by the baby’s new way of moving around. The baby also begins to pet Minnie, and her dad reminds her to be gentle. At first, Minnie seems unsure, but she allows the baby to pet her.

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This bill offers a beacon of hope – barring people convicted of animal cruelty from ever working with or owning animals again.

We can’t help but smile at the baby’s adorable giggle when she watches Minnie.

And did we mention that they also have a dog? Now, Minnie, the baby, and the dog make a happy family. They all get along well, and it’s wonderful to see that the baby will have instant playmates and furry older siblings as she grows up.

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