Cats can certainly find good hiding spots, but gosh! This camouflage kitty certainly knows how to hide in plain sight!
Recently, Reddit user waterhauler posted this photo with the simple caption, “Find a cat,” and the internet went berserk!

Do you see it?
If you’re beginning to think this is a trick, let us assure you, there IS a cat in this picture (we’ve found it!). We don’t want to spoil the fun for anyone still trying find the feline. But if you’d like a hint, scroll down past these other camouflage kitties!
Hint 1: The hidden kitty is ginger.
Need another? (Scroll down…)
Hint 2: It’s on the middle stack, near the top of the pile.
It’s crazy how well some felines are able to blend in with their surroundings. Is this guy a cat…or a chameleon?!
Think your friends will be able to spot this stealthy kitty? Don’t spoil it – share this picture to see who else can find it!