Awesome Cat Castle That Will Surely Make Your Cats Feel Like Royalty!

Written by: Adri Sandoval
Adri Sandoval is the Special Projects Manager for iHeartDogs and iHeartCats. Her work has deepened her love for animals, fostering a strong passion for rescue and animal advocacy.Read more
| Published on June 2, 2015

A simple cat house is boring! Keep your cat on trend by building them a cat CASTLE! You already treat them like royalty anyway, might as well up the ante! ☺ Lately, we’ve seen people transforming their entire homes into cat palaces (See here & here!), but you don’t have to take it that far. All you need to do is recycle and reuse some cardboard boxes and then let those creative juices flow! I imagine a cat’s castle including lots of nooks and crannies to hide in and various levels to climb. Don’t forget to include some windows so your cat can secretly peek at the dog from up above! Throw in a royal thrown and catnip-flavored décor and your little king or queen will really feel special! To get your creative flowing extra, check out this guy’s castle for extra inspiration!

They’re surely enjoying their new home, er… CASTLE! 🙂 How awesome was that? I’m totally inspired to make my cat his very own castle. He already acts like the’s the king of this house, I might as well make sure he lives like it!

Have you ever made something like this for your cat? If not – would you?