When Reddit user TravUK‘s cat passed away, he had no idea that his beloved companion had also left an impression on a perfect stranger.
He and his partner owned two cats, and two weeks ago, Bear sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge. But when they found a note attached to his furry sibling’s collar, they realized that there was someone else who’d be missing him, too.

“1 of our cats passed away 2 weeks ago. Today we found this note on his brothers[sic] collar,” he wrote on Reddit.

Dear owner,
I’m your neighbor, living in 4. I’m also your cats’ close friends[sic] as they (2 cats) are used to coming to my room everyday [sic]. But one of them, a bigger one, has disapeared [sic] for two weeks. Is he ok? I’m so worried about him. He is so [sic] lovely cat and always touched my heart. Wish he is fine…

When a fellow Reddit user suggested that TravUK go and meet his late feline’s friend, he explained that he slipped a note under the door of unit 4, and he and the neighbor met. She emailed him pictures that she’d taken of the two kitties during their visits, and is even planning on bringing flowers to Bear’s grave.

Losing a pet is one of the hardest obstacles that anyone can face, and we hope that this man can find comfort in knowing that his cat touched someone else’s life, too.