Adorable Kitten Takes Over Great Dane’s Bed and Eats from His Bow

Written by: Clarisse Jelle
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| Published on July 25, 2024

In a household dominated by four imposing Great Danes, one small kitten ruled supreme. This is the tale of Lincoln, a cat who effortlessly became the household monarch.

From the start, Lincoln “owned the pack from the very first minute,” according to their owner. He always knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to assert himself. Despite his small size, Lincoln’s personality was larger than life.

Remarkably, Lincoln managed to get the enormous dogs to obey his every whim. They would always yield to his demands. “He would lay in the middle of one of the large dog beds and he would take their spot on the bed,” their owner recounted. “He would eat from their bowl. They got into a rhythm so quickly.” Their relationship was ideal.

Finnegan, one of the Great Danes, was Lincoln’s favorite playmate. Finnegan loved being chased, and Lincoln was always ready to oblige. This playful dynamic wasn’t limited to Finnegan; all the dogs would stop whatever they were doing whenever Lincoln wanted to play, treating him like an irresistible little brother. Playing with Lincoln became their way of showing affection.

The dogs also seemed to understand the need to be extra gentle with the tiny kitten. When a new dog named Lucy joined the family, Lincoln’s curiosity led him to follow her around. Lucy, still a puppy at the time, “plays rough.” She wasn’t an ordinary dog; Lucy was blind and deaf. “Lucy is also blind and deaf, and I think Lincoln uses that to his advantage,” their owner noted. “He will bait her and then, of course, hide from her.”

Lincoln would hide in his cat tunnels and boxes, always ready to leap out and surprise Lucy. Their playful interactions quickly made them the best of friends. Through their companionship, Lucy gained independence, and their bond brought her immense happiness, helping her forget her disabilities.

“They all love to be outside. They all love to go for walks,” their owner continued. “One of our favorite things to do as a full pack is to take a walk to our beach.” Lincoln loved the beach just as much as his canine siblings. They would explore endlessly as if destined to experience these adventures together.

The presence of these loving animals filled their home with joy and positive energy. The family found their days brighter and their hearts fuller. “They make each other better,” their owner concluded.

Truly, one of life’s greatest joys is having animals to love in a home filled with happiness and warmth. This kind of bliss is unmatched!

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