Adorable Cat Thinks Baby Bunnies Are Kittens and Takes Care of Them

By: Clarisse Jelle
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| July 5, 2024

Cat moms are known for being great caregivers, always taking care of their babies. But you don’t hear much about cat dads. It turns out that some cat dads can be amazing parents too.

Mango, a big, fluffy ginger cat, showed his owners he could be a perfect father when he jumped into a pen full of baby rabbits. A video on Rumble shows Mango surrounded by tiny bunnies, and it’s super cute.

Mango’s owner says he is very caring and loving. He has even helped raise foster kittens.

His owner explained, “Before I could get his mom fixed, she had a litter of five. When they were old enough to bring inside from their mom, Mango cared for them. I have since fostered around six other feral kittens once they are out of quarantine, Mango is in there grooming and playing with them.”

One day, Mango got into the rabbits’ pen. Instead of attacking them, he treated them like kittens. In the video, which has over 4 million views, you see someone walking towards the pen.

Some brown rabbits are near the front, and Mango is in the back, his back to the camera.

At first, it’s not clear what Mango is doing. But as the person gets closer, you see Mango gently holding a rabbit with his paw and grooming it like he did with the kittens.

Mango doesn’t seem to notice the difference between kittens and rabbits, or he just doesn’t care. After he finishes grooming one bunny, another one comes over, and Mango starts licking and cuddling it too!

Mango was found as a tiny kitten under the decking of his owner’s house in Louisville, Kentucky. His siblings found other homes, but his owners fell in love with him and decided to keep him.

It’s adorable to see how Mango interacts with the kittens and bunnies. The bunnies are comfortable around him, and it’s a sweet, heartwarming scene.

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