9 Signs Your Cat Might Be In Pain

| July 31, 2015

Cats are very stoic animals and it can be difficult for owners to tell when their beloved kitties are experiencing pain. This is because cats have developed from wild ancestors and in the wild showing any signs of pain could get you exiled and even killed. Even the most involved owners can miss signs of pain in cats, so don’t feel too guilty if you’ve done it before. Just make sure to become knowledgeable with the signs and seek veterinary attention to get your feline friend feeling better in no time.

#1 – Lethargy


Just like you and me, when cats are in pain they most often don’t want to get up and do anything. Lethargy can be difficult to spot in cats because they sleep so often, but even the laziest cats will show signs of lethargy when they’re in pain. Not only can cats become depressed when they’re in pain, it may just hurt to move around.

#2 – Sudden Aggression


Even the friendliest cats won’t want to be touched somewhere that’s painful for them and the only way for them to tell us it hurts is to show aggression. Your cat isn’t trying to be mean, they’re simply letting you know that petting them is now uncomfortable, picking them up causes pain and so on.

#3 – Avoiding Once Favored Places


Many cats enjoy climbing up tall cat trees, sleeping on tops of shelves and high windowsills. But if you notice your cat has started to avoid places that require jumping and climbing, it might be a good idea to find out if they’re experiencing pain. Just like you, if it hurts to do something, you’re probably going to stop doing it.

#4 – Constant Purring


Purring is often seen as a sign of pleasure in cats and it most certainly can be. Unfortunately, it’s also a sign of pain and discomfort. Kittens learn to purr to soothe themselves because their mothers do it to them. Cats in pain my purr frequently to try and comfort themselves.

#5 – Hiding


Many cats are shy when visitors come around, but if you notice your cat is hiding more than normal it might be because they’re uncomfortable with being petted and touched. Living in pain is certainly a burden, so hiding somewhere safe will keep your cat both unnoticed and more comfortable.

#6 – Excessive Grooming


Some cats will begin grooming areas that are painful so excessively that they’ll lose their hair and create skin infections. If you notice your cat is focused on cleaning on area of their body somewhat obsessively, it’s a good idea to make sure they aren’t in pain.

#7 – No Grooming


On the other hand, some cats will stop grooming altogether because it’s painful for them to bend and stretch themselves during their bathing process. If your cat has stopped grooming and their coat has become dull and matted, it’s definitely a sign that something isn’t right.

#8 – Inappetence


Many cats are picky eaters, but even the hungriest felines will stop eating and drinking if they don’t feel well. One of the most common reason for inappetence is oral pain, but other types of pain can cause your cat to stop eating too.

#9 – Bathroom Changes


Bladder infections are painful and create the constant urge to urinate, so you might find that your cat is peeing all over your house when they never did before. Back and rear leg pain from can also make it difficult to bend over to defecate, making it seem like your cat is constipated. Some boxes are too small for older and painful cats to move around, so they might avoid them.

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