Cats come in an array of very unique and interesting looks, but some are a little bit more eye-catching than normal. If you’ve ever seen a weird-looking cat and wondered what breed it was or are just looking to learn about various cat breeds, check out this list!
#1 – Sphynx
The Sphynx cat was developed in Canada during the 1960s and is known for its hairlessness. Instead of having unique patterns on their fur, their skin actually shows what color their coat would be if they had one.
#2 – Lambkin

The Lambkin was created by crossbreeding the Munchkin cat and the Selkirk Rex. The result is the adorable short-legged, curly-coated feline we have today. Although still a new breed, they are becoming more widely recognized.
#3 – Peterbald
The Peterbarld is a Russian cat breed with a unique appearance. They are similar to the Oriental Shorthair, but they are nearly hairless. Even Peterbalds born with hair can eventually lose their coats over time. They are affectionate cats that become very attached to their owners.
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#4 – Lykoi

The Lykoi is considered the werewolf of the cat world and its looks make this distinction no surprise. While they look like a science experiment, their hair is actually the result of a natural genetic mutation among domestic cats. They are very friendly cats that make excellent companions.
#5 – Selkirk Rex
The Selkirk Rex is a Rex breed with a regular-length coat, except that it sports curly hair. They come in a short- and long-coated variety and both are very soft and woolly. They are playful but reserved cats that make great companions.
#6 – Ukrainian Levkoy

The Ukrainian Levkoy has a very distinct appearance in both that it lacks hair and has ears that fold forwards. It was created by breeding Donskoy cats to Scottish Folds. Despite their odd looks, they are playful and affectionate cats.
#7 – Cornish Rex
The Cornish Rex is unique because instead of a regular coat, it has only an undercoat. This down-like fur is similar to down feathers on a bird or the undercoat on a thick-coated cat or dog. The first Cornish Rex came from a genetic mutation among a litter of domestic cats in the 1950s.
#8 – American Curl

The American Curl comes from Southern California and its curled ears are the result of a genetic mutation naturally occurring in a litter of domestic cats. They are born with straight ears that begin to curl shortly after birth.
#9 – Donskoy

The Donskoy cat is the hairless cat used in the creation of the Ukrainian Levkoy and Peterbald. It’s a Russian cat that, despite its lack of hair, requires regular grooming to keep its skin healthy.
#10 – Exotic Shorthair
The Exotic Shorthair is a shorthaired version of the Persian. It’s body is similar to any other domesticated cat, but it has a very short muzzle and squished face. Years ago, the American Shorthair was bred into Persians to improve the breed. They resulted in short-coated Persian cats that were eventually developed into the Exotic Shorthair we have today.
#11 – Minskin
The Minskin is a dwarfed version of the Sphynx cat. They were developed by crossing Munchkin cats with Sphynx cats. The breed is almost completely hairless, but has short, soft fur on its points – that is, it’s feet, tail, ears and nose. They became a recognized breed for the first time in 2008.
#12 – Devon Rex
The Devon Rex is similar to the Cornish Rex with its soft, short coat and long, slender body. It is also the result of a genetic mutation and although it was thought to be closely related to the Cornish Rex, genetic testing has proven otherwise and maintained this as a completely separate breed.
#13 – American Wirehair

While wire-haired dogs are fairly normal, wire-haired cats are not. Except, of course, for the American Wirehair. It was developed in upstate New York as the result of a genetic mutation among standard American Shorthairs. Since then, it’s been bred to take on its own, unique breed.
#14 – LaPerm
The LaPerm gets its name from its curly coat, resembling that of a woman’s perm. It is genetically a rex breed and is the result of a naturally occurring genetic mutation in domestic cats. It’s very affectionate and becoming widely popular.
#15 – Highlander
The Highlander is similar to the American Curl with ears that curl backwards, but another unique trait is the frequency of extra toes among the breed. These cats, called polydactyl cats, can have 6 or more toes on each foot. They are a very affectionate and playful breed that make excellent companions.