While cats can be considered both good and bad luck, Petplan Pet Insurance combed through half a million claims records and rounded up the names of hapless cats who visited the vet the most in 2014. If you’re hoping for a good fortune kitty, you may want to choose a name not on this list.
#1 – Maya
Cat’s with this name are just plain unlucky, getting the number one spot in term of accidents reported to Petplan.

#2 – Tucker
Interestingly enough, this name is also one of the most unlucky dog names, too. Maybe you shouldn’t name your child this either… just in case.

#3 – Thomas
Even though it’s a nice, old-fashioned name, apparently the bearers of this name get into trouble a lot.

Click page 2 below for the next names!
#4 – Rascal
Okay, if you name your cat this, what did you expect?

#5 – Rosie
This is a popular name, so that might account for why it’s not only on Petplan’s accident list, but also on the top “under-the-weather” pet names. It was fifth on that list as well. So kitties with this name only get injured a lot, but also get sick.

#6 – Tommy
A cute name, it comes with risk that your kitty might me more likely to be injured.

#7 – Samantha
For some reason this name just sounds like a cat’s name. Apparently an unlucky one.

#8 – Tigger
You would think naming your kitty after a favorite, bouncy-tailed cartoon character would bring good luck. Not so, according to Petplpan. Tiggers get injured a lot….maybe from all that tail bouncing?

#9 – Olive
Olives are also unlucky. We venture they are probably black cats too, which might cause them to be more even more unlucky (unless they are Irish cats, in which black is good luck!).

#10 – Samson
Rounding out the top ten names in the “most accident prone” category is Samson.

#11 – Chloe
A very popular dog name, Chloe for cats can be bad luck – they are the top of the “most likely to fall and not land on their feet” list.

#12 – Jake
Second in the most likely to fall category, Jake is also an unlucky dog’s name.

#13 – Simon
Simon kitties can’t seem to land on their feet, but they did land the on the under-the-weather list as well. Maybe not a good name for a kitty.

#14 – Abby
This cute name can mean trouble, since it ranked fourth on the fall list. If you do name your cat Abby, maybe don’t buy the really tall cat tree.

#15 – Lucy
Lucky, another cute name, is also a kitty that is more likely to suffer a fall than other cats. Maybe she and Abby can live together on ground floor kitty condos.