12 Surprising Reasons Why Cat People Are Above And Beyond Awesome!

Written by: Adri Sandoval
Adri Sandoval is the Special Projects Manager for iHeartDogs and iHeartCats. Her work has deepened her love for animals, fostering a strong passion for rescue and animal advocacy.Read more
| Published on June 22, 2015

Cat people are considered a “rare breed” amongst the population. In fact, only 11.5% of people polled actually considered themselves to be cat people. Crazy right? But before you panic, don’t let this small number worry you because we have a video that highlights ALL of the wonderful qualities that cat people possess. Sure, dog people have some wonderful qualities too, we aren’t knockin’ them, but it’s high time someone highlights us cat lovers because dogs always get the spotlight!

Thankfully, BuzzFeed has done just that! Us cat-folks may be more quiet and reserved, but we’re certainly worthy of a mention!
So give yourself a pat on the back, cat lovers, because this video only briefly touches on your long list of wonderful qualities. Proudly embrace your uniqueness! And after you watch this, go hug your cat! ☺ After all, they helped develop those lovely qualities you have.

Who knew!? These are some incredible cat owner statistics! It’ll surely makes every cat owner’s heart melt, even just a little bit. <3

Feel like they missed some qualities? Leave a comment for us below with some additional qualities cat owners may have, thanks to the kitties!

Cat people are considered a “rare breed” amongst the population. In fact, only 11.5% of people polled actually considered themselves to be cat people. Crazy right? But before you panic, don’t let this small number worry you because we have a video that highlights ALL of the wonderful qualities that cat people possess. Sure, dog people have some wonderful qualities too, we aren’t knockin’ them, but it’s high time someone highlights us cat lovers because dogs always get the spotlight!

Thankfully, BuzzFeed has done just that! Us cat-folks may be more quiet and reserved, but we’re certainly worthy of a mention!
So give yourself a pat on the back, cat lovers, because this video only briefly touches on your long list of wonderful qualities. Proudly embrace your uniqueness! And after you watch this, go hug your cat! ☺ After all, they helped develop those lovely qualities you have.

Who knew!? These are some incredible cat owner statistics! It’ll surely makes every cat owner’s heart melt, even just a little bit. <3

Feel like they missed some qualities? Leave a comment for us below with some additional qualities cat owners may have, thanks to the kitties!