10 Things That Might Be On Your Cat’s Bucket List

| Published on February 1, 2015

After Lauren Fern Watt created and carried out a bucket list for her dog Gizelle after finding out she had terminal cancer, we wondered what a cat’s bucket list would look like. Here are 10 things that might be on your cat’s bucket list.

#1 – Finally Find Out Where the Red Dot Comes From

After years of chasing, your cat just wants to know where it comes from! It’s that too much to ask?

Image source: @WilliamJohnson via Flickr

#2 – Join the League of Assassins

With the league at his side, your cat may finally be able to catch that mouse. Or, at least look cool while napping.

Image source: @PostMemes via Flickr
Image source: @PostMemes via Flickr

#3 – Get a Job as a DJ

Cats have a great sense of rhythm so it only makes sense they would want a job in music. Even if they are a little behind the times….who makes mixed tapes anymore? Someone tell this cat about iTunes.

Image source: @stallio via Flickr
Image source: @stallio via Flickr

#4 – Take a Nap in an Unusual Place

Cats spend most of their day napping. Why not a change of scenery? Many cats probably have a “bucket list” of places they want to nap.

Image source: @PostMemes via Flickr
Image source: @PostMemes via Flickr

#5 – Make Cats Mandatory at Workplaces

Some cats have a secret wish to rule the universe. The first step? Making it mandatory to have a cat at work. If this is on your cat’s bucket list, you may want to put surveillance on him.

Image source: @NoahSussman via Flickr

#6 – Sleep for a Week

This may be on a few people’s bucket lists as well. Just give your kitty some sunshine and a few snuggly blankets and they’ll be all set to scratch this one of his list.

Image source: @stallio via Flickr
Image source: @stallio via Flickr

#7 –  Travel the World

Just because your cat sleeps twenty hours a day doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to see the world. This kitty has heard about all the great sea fishing from Australia’s 11,000 beaches and he’s ready to go.

Image source: @AlanLevine via Flickr

#8 – Lead a Twitter Revolution

Of course cats like Twitter, their icon is a little bird and you “tweet” on it. This cat’s bucket list includes leading a revolution on Twitter. Does yours want to be a member of her army?

Image source: @captioncat via Flickr

#9 – Try Catnip at Least Once

Come on, all the other teen-cats are trying it. It won’t hurt him.

Image source: @PaulAnderson via Flickr

#10 – Eat his Weight in Beef

We all have that one food we wish we could just eat and eat. Does your cat’s bucket list include eating her weight in beef? What about chicken or fish?

Image source: @Captioncat via Flickr