There are some people out there who don’t like cats. It’s hard to comprehend, because they’re so different than us, but it’s a truth that can’t be avoided. These folks just can’t fathom why we live the way we do. There are just some things only cat lovers understand. Here are 10 of them!
#1 – Loving Cats More Than People
It’s no secret that many of us would prefer to snuggle with our cat at night instead of going out and socializing with other humans. There’s no shame in that. Don’t worry about the judgment of the non-cat people.
#2 – A Glass Half Empty is Definitely Empty
By glass we mean bowl, as every cat owner knows that if a bowl is missing 5-10 kibbles it’s undoubtedly empty in your cats eyes and he will die immediately if you do not put more food in it.
#3 – 3AM Playtime
When’s the best time to run around the house, jumping on all the furniture and climbing up the curtains? Why, in the middle of the night, of course!
#4 – Computers & Books = Beds

Non-cat people take for granted how easy it is for them to work on their laptop or read a good book. They don’t have to struggle with a cat deciding that this is the perfect moment for them to sleep right on top of your screen, page, or keyboard.
#5 – Petting: Time & Placement
Petting cats is a skill some people lack. Cats love to be petted, but only sometimes in some places for so long. You know what we mean.
#6 – Boxes Make the Best Toys
Cat toys are great, especially if they have catnip. But boxes are the best cat toy ever. I mean, who doesn’t love a cat’s box fort?
#7 – Dead Animal Presents
Other people think these are gross, but we’re proud to know our cats are superb hunters that love us so. We welcome disgusting dead animal presents like they’re a gift from our dearest friends…because they are.
#8 – Hairballs
Hairballs happen, man. Every relationship has it’s sacrifices, right? This is probably the one sacrifice cat lovers make.
#9 – Cat Hair, Cat Hair Everywhere

Let’s face it, no outfit is complete without cat hair on it. If your cat doesn’t help dress you, you’ve got a terrible fashion sense.
#10 – Cats Can Wear Clothes, Too
Let’s be real. There are clothes for cats and they are adorable. There’s absolutely no reason not to put a sweater on your cat unless your cat absolutely hates it. Some do, some don’t. You might be lucky – but there’s only one way to find out.